August 8, 2022

Christina Williams

Please Change the Wedding Laws in Wales….

Something old, something new…

People who would benefit from wales wedding rules changes

Nah, it’s out with the old and in with the new! The final report to reform wedding laws has now been published for Government review. The report by the Law Commission of England and Wales is looking to overhaul current laws on weddings in the UK. What does this mean for you?

Well, basically you could potentially get married wherever!

You could get married in your house, on a boat or literally wherever you want. If, however, you still want to have a religious ceremony then it won’t necessarily need to be in a place of worship, you could marry on your favorite beach, or in a forest! These new, ‘proposed laws’ are looking to be introduced in England and Wales in the near future.

Though, not only could these laws totally transform the antiquated ideas of where you should marry but also how you could marry.

That is, these new rules will likely remove some of the weird restrictions currently in place, so going forward you should be able to choose how your ceremony will be performed, and with whatever vows, rituals and music you wish for.

So I guess you’re wondering what difference it makes with these new laws, being that currently, you can still have a humanist or independent celebrant wedding in Wales and England? Well, legally you still need to register your marriage at a registry office, or have designated clergy formally register your marriage. With new laws you could have independent officiants such as humanist celebrants or independent celebrants able to legally conduct civil weddings without the faff, eliminating the need for civil ceremonies to be in an approved venue or registry office.

So if, for instance, you want to elope, as in having a small destination wedding, micro wedding, or simply elope in the historic sense of the word this will make life so much easier for one and all.

You could have something really intimate and you will save a lot of money in the process. Also, and perhaps more importantly, you don’t want to be overwhelmed with the stress of a big wedding such as family dramas, organising heaps of people, and being in front of crowds. So yeah, no worrying about venues, heaps of guests and transport etc.

a bride and groom who followed wales wedding rules

On the other hand, you can have a large affair, and still, have humanists/celebrants able to do whatever you wish. However, all being said these new laws will still need to pass through Parliament, and the House of Lords. So let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope all the new recommendations will be agreed upon, for all concerned!!!

In the meantime, it’s still possible to have a micro wedding, a west wales elopement or opt for a destination celebration, you just need to get the legal stuff out of the way first. If you’re not sure how to elope, reach out! I work with some great Humanists in the area and we love to help couples through planning epic but small celebrations.

Email at, DM or Call if you want more info.

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